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Welcome to the website for Velvet Hammer Blues.
When WSLR Radio signed on the air in August of 2005 Blues with the Velvet Hammer was one of the first programs to join the ranks. It has moved to different days & times over the years, to allow Beth to play gigs around town. Currently it airs on Sunday afternoons from 3 to 5 pm. Beth the Velvet Hammer has been playing music around Sarasota for the past ten years. As a blues bassplayer, she has had the opportunity to meet and work with many professionals in the area, including Johnny Rawls at the UTC during the International Rowing Championships. This access allows insight for Beth's listeners, and some great guests for the blues show! Now, after an 20 month haitus, back on the air!
Shown here with RJ Howson in the studio.

Contact us
Studio: (941) 954-8636
Office: (941) 894-6469